Call for abstracts

Dear colleagues,

The scientific committee of the 20th European Congress on Digital Pathology (ECDP2024) is pleased to invite you to submit your work for presentation. The congress will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 5-8th June 2024 as an in-person meeting.

The ECDP2024 focus areas will include (but are not limited to):

- Digital pathology workflow and quality assurance implementation
- Standardization and interoperability in digital pathology
- Image Analysis and AI on Whole Slide Images
- AI and digital pathology in education
- Integration of morphological, clinical, and molecular data in clinical practice
- Advancements in digital cytopathology
- Developing predictive biomarkers and algorithms for patient outcomes
- Impact and sustainability of digital pathology and AI

See below for the Abstract Submission Guidelines.

As usual, the best abstracts submitted will be selected for oral presentations. The best oral presentation and the best poster presented at ECDP2024 will receive awards from ESDIP.

And, for the first time, the ECDP2024 organization will allow authors to present their work together. This is an innovative format that aims to bring together interdisciplinary teams (pathologists and computer scientists/ pathologists and lab technicians / etc.).

On behalf of the Scientific Committee of the ECDP 2024 Congress,
Yuri Tolkach (Chair)

Abstract Submission Guidelines

You are invited to submit your work under the format of a structured abstract to ECDP2024.

Start of abstract submission: 05.01.2024
Deadline for abstract submission: extended to 29.02.2024
Notification of abstract acceptance: 18.03.2024

The abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of ECDP2024 in a peer-review, double-blinded process that will select the abstracts accepted and those selected either for poster presentation or for oral presentation.
All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website.
Registration for the congress is mandatory for at least one author (speaker, correspondence). If the abstract is selected for oral presentation, then the speaker needs to be registered for the congress.

The submission of the abstract must include the following:
- Abstract title
- Corresponding author details (full name, institutional address, e-mail address - provided on registration)
- Other authors’ details (full name, institutional address)
- Abstract body with a maximum of 250 words. This does not include the title or authors
- 3 to 6 keywords

The body of a scientific abstract should be structured as follows:
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Conclusions

Use CAPITALS only if necessary (e.g., DNA).

Abstract submission for ECDP 2024 is now open.

Contribute with your work.